We are a loving church community centred on the following 5 values:

1. We worship Jesus – We are passionate about Jesus. He unites us, saves us, restores us and renews transforms our lives. Everything that happens at Your Church in Brisbane City happens because we love the Lord Jesus Christ. Our awe of Him drives us to worship and serve Him with all our hearts.

Name above all names

Worthy of all praise

And my heart will sing

How Great is our God

     Chris Tomlin “How Great is our God”

2. We welcome everyone – We are passionate about loving people the way Jesus told us to. We want you to know that you are valuable to God because He created you in His image and Jesus died for you. We practice unconditional love and acceptance of all people who enter our doors. We are committed to making church a safe and friendly place for you to grow in your relationship with God. Regardless of your background, lifestyle and religious beliefs you will be treated non-judgmentally and with respect and dignity.

3. We follow the Bible and pray – We are passionate about the Bible. It is the “word of God”and the complete source of our understanding of God and our relationship with Him.  When our church began in 1883 we adopted a motto  that we have “no book but the Bible” and “no creed but Christ”. We believe in “Unity in the essentials of our faith, Freedom in opinions and practice, and In all things…love”. Our focus on prayer reflects the fact that the Christian faith is better described as a relationship with God rather than a religion.

“Prayer is simply a two way conversation between you and God”

Billy Graham

4. We love each other as family– We are passionate about loving, encouraging and supporting each other as family. We are a family church where everyone counts no matter where they are in their journey of life and faith. We pray, grow and share deep friendships together. We connect at church on Sunday, various events throughout the week and have caring activities for all the family.

5. We reach out to others – We are passionate about sharing our faith with others. We follow Jesus’s instruction to proclaim the good news with all people.

“Church is not an organisation you join,

It’s a family where you belong,

A home where you are loved”

     Nicky Gumble, Alpha Course